S2 E23 - Graced By Prayer - Run Rose Run Prayer

On this episode of Graced By Prayer, Elaine Shircliff took some quotes and lines from the songs in the novel "Run Rose Run" by James Patterson and Dolly Parton and put it into a prayer.


Hi, and welcome to Graced By Rain, a podcast about the beauty in life. I'm your host, Elaine Shircliff.

Hello everyone, welcome back to my podcast. It's Wednesday so that means it's Graced By Prayer day. Today's podcast is an extension of Monday's podcast. On Monday, I talked about the beauty of "Run Rose Run", a novel by James Patterson and Dolly Parton. I'm extending it over to Graced By Prayer, because I want to show how a secular thing can be used to glorify God.

A lot of times Christians want to shield their children or shield themselves from the secular world because maybe it's too sinful for them or they feel like it's not Godly enough. The fact of the matter is, God is everywhere.

Surrounds us

Envelops us

In my eyes to have a healthier prayer life is to be able to be inspired by anything around you to pray to God. Whether it be in thankfulness, petitions, asking for forgiveness, or just having a conversation with God. To be able to do that is a beautiful thing. God guides many hands to create beautiful and good things in life. God guides writers to write beautiful content. God guides Doctors to make the right choices and guide them to create medicine and procedures that allows people to live and to survive and to not suffer anymore.

You know, God's hands are all over this world. If we allow ourselves to see it, then we'll really be able to feel it. If we look at different things in the secular world as being touched by God, then you'll have a little bit more peace in your daily life.

Run Rose Run definitely spoke to me. Some of the quotes. Some of the lines about music, about people, about your inner worth it just really spoke to me. In a very, very subtle way, it spoke to me, it inspired me to be creative. It inspired me to come up with a prayer based on the book. I made this prayer with lines from a few of the songs that they have in the song book at the end of the book. The songs are throughout the entire book. And also, I used one quote from one of the final pages of the book as well. So not as to spoil the book because I want a lot of people to read it and I don't like spoilers. Eventually, when more people read it, maybe I'll do a spoiler episode, but I used the quote towards the end and then I used pieces from the bridge from "Run", the bridge from "Dark night, Bright future", and the bridge from "Big Dreams and Faded Jeans".

And I want to remind you that these words aren't completely mine. They are James Patterson, Dolly Parton, and they're also God's. I placed them in such a way to make this prayer. And I added a few words, maybe changed things a little bit. But for the most part, these words are the author's words. And just like I said, I moved them around and I used them to create a prayer.

And this is something that you can do with quotes that people have said in postgame interviews, with the books, with music, even art. Probably even a cookbook. I'm not sure I'll try that one episode. But I'm going to continue to do things like this. When I read a book that inspires me or hear a song, I'm going to try and find a way to turn it into to a prayer. So, you guys could see how you can allow these things to touch your heart and let God in and have a relationship with God because sometimes we can't come up with the words completely ourselves, right? Sometimes we can build upon the words that someone else has written and go from there.

Take a moment.

Breathe in

Close your eyes

And listen while you pray.

The Run Rose Run Prayer

Dear Lord,

It has taken more than a handful of miracles for me to be here
Even to be alive
Because of that, I will never stop being grateful for every moment you have supplied
With every sweet, free breathe I take, I praise your name

Lord, help me to make a plan and stick to it
Help me to make the choice to really be someone
Allow me to break away from my old habits
Inspire me to break the cycle of my past and live anew.

And when I have to make the choice to stay or run,
Give me the courage to stay
the courage to fight
the courage to grow

Lord, Let me live a life of forgiveness, kindness, tenderness, and love

For forgiveness is a magic wand
it makes things disappear
Kindness wipes away regret and gives hope
and as we know, hope can conquer fear
Tenderness is a soothing balm healing wounds and scars
Love says we can start anew right from where we are

And God,
May the stars that fill my eyes
Guide my path and be my light

Please Lord
Provide the means
To help me accomplish
My big dreams


Thank you everyone. Have a beautiful day.

And remember

Be kind and love always


S3 E1 - The Beauty of Embracing Choices and Healing from Breakups


S2 E22 - Beauty of Run Rose Run