Goodbye 2022

The clock strikes midnight 
I pull back the curtain
Step into the tub

As the water hits my skin 
I whisper to my self "Goodbye 2022, I bid you adieu"

It trickles down my face and hair
Washing away every frustrated tear 
From this topsy turvy year 

My broken dreams 
Fade away as the shower steams

Heart break,
And unfinished goals are washed down the drain
Making room for things which nourish my soul

I scrub despair away with a towel and soap
Trying to bring forth what I need the most - Hope

Hope for a better outlook,
A better chapter for my life long book

The hot water burns the last of 2022 off my flesh
I turn off the water and throw back the curtain ready to start the new year fresh

Wrapping my towel around me I whisper to myself, "Goodbye 2022, it's time to start anew"




Excerpt from “U Go”