A Prayer for Those Affected By Gun Violence

Lord, we come to you to with those who are affected by gun violence heavy on our hearts.

For those who have died due to gun violence. May you grant them eternal rest, oh Lord, and may their memories live on through the actions and words of those who have loved them.

Heal those who have been injured mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially due to gun violence. Lighten their load as they traverse the rocky road ahead. May they find solace and hope in you. May those who surround them envelope them in light and love while making space for the emotions they will be sifting through for the foreseeable future.

Help guide and heal the family, friends, and acquaintances of those who have been injured or killed by gun violence. With one pull of the trigger, their lives have dramatically changed. Please place people in their lives who will help them move forward in a positive manner and help lift them up when the weight of grief becomes unbearable. May they one day be able to make peace with what has happened and not become bitter or jaded.

A moment of gratitude for the helpers. For the first responders who arrived on scene during the shooting and after the shooting occurred. The doctors and nurses who battle to save the lives of those who have been injured. The counselors and therapists who will work hard to allow people to move forward and live their lives again. May they know they are appreciated and may the images of the aftermath not haunt them for the rest of their lives.

May the members of the media handle the situation with grace, kindness, and compassion. May they always remember that those who were affected by or who committed gun violence are human beings with families and friends who love them. Please allow them to display patience while waiting for loved ones to be notified of injuries and death before posting photos or putting names out into the world. Allow them to realize that what you put out into the world cannot always be taken back. May they also find ways to highlight the changes that must be made to prevent these tragedies from ever happening again.

May the family and friends of the offender be greeted with love, kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. Not just from others but also from themselves. May they be able to heal and move forward one foot at a time for healing is not a sprint. It is a marathon.

For those who felt it necessary to turn to gun violence. May they experience love, forgiveness, and compassion despite the horrible things they have done. May they be held accountable for the damage they have done and begin to turnover a new leaf. Inspire them to lobby for change. Not because it will make them look good or might shine light on them in the court of public opinion. But because it’s the right thing to do and maybe someone in the same broken frame of mind as they once were will listen and not look to a gun as the solution to any question or problem they feel they were facing at that time. If they also perished, may they still be forgiven and be used as an example of why we need better gun control in this country. For their is beauty in forgiveness but if you choose to completely forget, you cannot grow and history will continue to repeat itself.

Please guide the lawmakers down the path of putting words into actions. May they walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. May they realize and embrace the fact they can make true change in our country. Please give them the courage to speak out and work towards making real and meaningful changes surrounding gun control. Even it if means losing their backing. Help them realize that money and power is worth nothing if you don’t use it to work for positive change and growth. Place people in their lives who will hold them accountable and encourage them to be the best version of themselves while making decisions for our cities, states, and country.



Best You Can Be

